Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bear Lake!

So my sister Sara, the blossoming photographer, sent me these great pictures! So, of course, I immediately thought... blog! These are some pics of our last beach excursion in Bear Lake before it got too cold. These are my beautiful brown boys! Of course my tan is just as brown as theirs, I've been working on it all summer. (I can only say that because I'm not included in any of the pictures.) Seriously, I wish I could tan like they do.
BJ is seriously buried in the sand...standing up...all the way up to his neck! I was a bit nervous.
And of course, Zeke has to be just like his big brother. While the uncles were burying BJ, Zeke was scooping sand over his legs burying himself.

And then, of course, cousin Jack wanted to join in!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh how fun!!!! Lindy never did get to a warm sandy beach this summer, she would have had a blast!!!